Friday, August 31, 2007

I’m here!

I somehow made it safely to Strasbourg, though I have no idea how. I started the voyage at 7 am Thursday morning and arrived around 2 pm on Friday afternoon. It’s all sort of a blur. After a three-hour car ride, a ten-hour flight, and a two-hour bus ride, Mme. Rigaud picked me up from the bus stop. She seems very nice and I attempted some french, but I think I was more awkward than anything else. Tomorrow we have orientation, which will be good. It'll be nice to see more of Strasbourg and meet some other American students.

More to come when I'm not completely exhausted.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Counting down...

Bonjour tout le monde! I thought I would follow the trend and start a blog so everyone can keep up with my wanderings abroad. For those of you who don’t know, I’m going to be living in Strasbourg, France for the fall semester of 2007. At this point, I don’t know anyone else in the program. I have many good friends studying in other European cities/towns (Paris, Nancy, Nantes, Munich, Athens, St. Andrews), but there is no one in Strasbourg. This is both thrilling and terrifying.

I leave August 30th from Portland, Oregon for Frankfurt, Germany. From there I take a bus to Strasbourg. I have a lot to do between now and then. Packing for such an adventure can be overwhelming. I need to brush up on my French a little before I leave, but it seems to be the least exciting option possible right now. Ah well.

Stay tuned. A bientôt!