Friday, December 21, 2007

Au revoir, Strasbourg...

I still can't believe that this is coming to an end. Finals have been over for two days now and I have spent much of that time running errands, packing, and saying goodbye to the city that has been my home for four months. It's definitely bittersweet... I don't think that I would have been happy here another semester and I'm looking forward to going back to LC, but at the same time this has been a life-changing experience.

I guess the most exciting news is that Clariece and Chris are here. They've steadily made their way up from Greece and I almost can't believe that they're in Strasbourg. I picked them up yesterday at the train station and we'll be travelling together in Paris and Amsterdam.

Last night I went out to drinks at Le Mosquito with Isabelle (one of my professors), Tomomi, Maiko, and Didier. I'll really miss experiences like that -- sitting in a bar for hours, speaking French, and sharing our respective cultures. And, of course, the occasional joke about how ridiculous Americans are. When I mentioned that I still have six months until I can drink in the States, Isabelle's friend pushed the pitcher of sangria towards me and said, "Drink up!" After an almost-tearful goodbye and promises to keep in touch, I went over to Les Freres Berthoms to introduce Clariece and Chris to the Kalamazoo kids. It was fun, though we all got tired fairly early and took the tram home. It's way too cold here to be walking around. Even with a shirt, a sweater, a jacket, leggings, jeans, and gloves you still can't stand outside for more than 5 minutes without shiverring.

Okay, well the time's almost up here so I guess my next entry will be from Paris. A bientot...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Au revoir and Merci from us, too. Thanks for sharing your journey. We share a bit of your sadness, but are thrilled with the experience you've had.
The Great Pacific Northwest awaits. We do, too. Mom & Dad