Sunday, December 30, 2007

Česká republika!

Wow, we're just jumping all over Europe, aren't we? I would say jet-setting, but that makes it sound like we're flying instead of taking 15-hour busses and staying at nice hotels instead of hostels. Actually, life here in Prague is pretty nice thus far. I had a lot of difficulty finding a hostel or cheap hotel here, so we ended up at a nice(r) hotel than I think either Clariece or I are used to. Both of us are hoping to make up for the price difference with the (relatively) inexpensive food and drinks here.

So, back to the beginning. Clariece and I made our way to the EuroLines bus station in Amsterdam and hopped on the bus to Praha. It was fine, actually, despite the initial apprehension. The bus left at 10:30 PM and arrived in Prague around noon, an hour earlier than promised. Both of us passed out around 12, maybe earlier, and woke up with only a few hours left to sit and listen to music. My iPod didn't even run out of batteries. It was a good deal, especially considering that was our housing for the night as well.

After sort of getting lost trying to find our hotel, a nice Czech woman helped us and we spent the rest of the day relaxing. I finished The God of Small Things, which I bought in Paris at an English bookstore. I've been reading more than ever on this trip and have had to go in search of numerous English bookstores in each of the cities I've visited.

Today we woke up fairly early and set out to explore Prague. Turns out it's a beautiful city with architecture that was heavily influenced by the Art Nouveau movement. What a coincidence -- that's my favorite movement! We even found an entire store dedicated to Alfons Mucha, my favorite artist. So I am, as my parents would say, in pig heaven. I might have to buy a poster or two. Otherwise, we wandered with no set goal in mind. We made it up to the castle district, where there just happened to be a ski competition in the middle of a square. The Tour de Ski, in fact. What? No wonder it was so hard to find a hotel! Clariece and I wandered around, laughing at the absurdity of it all, until the crowd became to immense and we meandered back to a cafe to eat lunch.

Anyway, my friend Mike from Kalamazoo will hopefully be joining us tonight and then hang out with us for New Year's. I'm sure we'll see some of the more touristy sights over the next few days and have a fun New Year's celebration. Despite having an amazing time here, the end is definitely in sight and I'm kind of glad. Clariece is going to Spain for sure next semester, which is amazing and awesome, and I'm ready to start real life again. We're sort of in limbo, but it's certainly a pleasant and cultured limbo so I can't really complain...

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